Elections at the Abbotsford Legion branch #15 took place on Sunday May 26th with basically the same executive as the previous year with one new addition. 

2019 05 26 NEW EXECUTIVE 2019[2806]

Front row: Karen Kuzek, Fraser Valley Zone Commander; Robert Rohrer, returning President and Wendy Schmidt, 1st Vice President. 

Middle row: Sharon Rathbone, Public Relations Officer; Libby Bucar, Treasurer; John Howes, (new) executive member, and Margaret Vines, Membership. 

Back row: Dan Bucar, Secretary; Kelly Watson, 2nd Vice President and John Sorenson, Sergeant at Arms. 

We invite the citizens of Abbotsford to come to the branch to meet everyone and have a look at our newly decorated surroundings. 

                                                                                    submitted by Sharon Rathbone

July 7 update:  please use the drop down tab “Leadership” under the “About” column to see an updated fuller list of the Executive.